TECHNICAL training scheme
we recognise that innovation cannot happen without makers having strong technical foundations in their craft
Supporting makers to create sustainable careers
Howard Fenn and three of our inaugural students at the Soldering Course, not pictured here Alex O’Connor.
This training scheme has always been at the heart of Craftmasters from it’s inception. We know that graduates don’t always get enough hands on training in the skills they need to create sustainable careers. Craftmasters Technical Training Scheme seeks to address this shortfall by providing high quality training in core technical skills to early career makers; helping them build a strong foundation on which to grow. We also appreciate the financial difficulty of acquiring good training - so our scheme covers the costs of training, workshop hire and most materials provided to create suitable forms for soldering.
Our first course focused on the challenging subject of soldering; thoughtfully designed and taught by respected Master Silversmith Howard Fenn, at his fully equipped workshop in Somerset.
The course covered the theory of alloys, metal structure, solders and fluxes, with practical training in joint preparation, design considerations, planning multiple solderings, wires, jigs and stitches, stick soldering vs pallions, shrinking wires onto external surfaces, setting the seam, forge set up, torch control as well as fuel options.
The first stage of the course took part in late November 2021, the students returned to Somerset in January 2022 to complete their training.
We have more courses planned for 2022 - both short courses and interval training…
There are many more early career makers in desperate need of training than we can currently help. We would like to expand our training to assist more makers - if you would like to assist us in this mission please call us on 07710 215867.
help us protect these important skills
Craftmasters is a not for profit organisation.
Craftmasters Technical Training Scheme has been made possible by our award-winning makers creating objects which are purchased by our incredible gallery clients. We call our clients ‘Patrons’ because they support the arts in a way which few retail experiences do!
If you would like to directly support us in running more desperately needed courses - we would be thrilled to discuss with you how you, or your organisation could help ensure these culturally important skills are maintained and shared for future generations.
We don’t take any management fees for our courses - every penny goes to training or materials - you can sponsor a one day course for four students with a Master Maker from as little as £600
While we recognise many Patrons wish to remain anonymous, we are happy to credit main sponsors online & in social media.
Our Patrons receive previews to new works and exclusive designs, are invited to Patrons talks and receive our newsletter.
Call us on 07710215867 to find out more